Online payment is easy and very secure with (Voguey Payment Gateway).It protect and secure your account information you advice to used advance browser for effective processing such as,Internet Explorer,Uc Mobile Browser,Note that opera-mini is “Not”supported for any online
You can dowload advance UC’browser here if you don’t have click:
Or you can download opera beta for bloggers here
click here- to Sign Up for Free!
This guide need proper attention
if you are haste i urge you to exit and come back later.
Follow the strategies guide attentively to get started!
First of all,”log in to” your Coolnaira Account in the website then on the menu side of your dasboard click”Upgrade Account”scrow down again choose the money you are capable of it,click make payment on the load page choose payment method.Choose your card type Master/verve card or Visa card
Choose Your Card Type
on the load page,enter your Email vallid email you register coolnaira and click make payment!
Enter Your Email and click make payment.
On the next load page,ignore the webs login,then scrow down,close to the”pay items”click into the dialogue box,choose your card type..
Then it will load a page in which you are required to fill the transaction form. Below=====>
On this page you should attentively,write your card details
Note: your card details,is secured and It once and after the payment”Voguey” will terminate all your history-So feel free!.
>Card number==>write the 16 digit number in front of the card.
> Cvv2 number==>check the back of the card write the 3 digit number you see.
write the expiery date of the card
e.g 2016-07
Then Click on Pay.
Note:Instantly you will receive a text message from your bank associated with the phone number you usually received alert the message will contain a code which you need to enter on the next page.The massage is like this below===>
The massage code has an expired period,so pick it quckly then now,take this message code
and write it below imediately!
Like This===>
Then finally click continue.It load a page like this to you:==>
Now that Your Transaction is successful! You are also Successful Upgrade.
Go back on to the Home page
click on”Promotional center”and get your referral link from promtion centre
Beging,to engage your facebook friends into it, by posting genuine
and constructed post with some proof attach with your referral link and other social Network,like whassap twitter etc. But please do not spamm,
If You Are Not Member click-to
Happy Making Money